3 Jan 2012

I need answers...

I have been seeking answers to some questions that have bugged me since ages....and I'm sharing them with you guys. Not that I expect many plausible answers as most people will be biased. However, they are food for thought....never mind giving ME answers for them. But ask them yourself....and see if u can give honest heart-felt answers......
So tell me.......
  1. Why is it that when we do something that nobody else has done, we get asked...'you must be seriously bored/job-less,no?' :-/
  2. Why do guys tell us off when we wear make-up? ('Babe, you look the best sans make up and in ur tee and sweat pants') And then they ogle shamelessly at models and other women who could probably scrape off layers of make-up from their face and wear clothes that leave very less to the imagination! :-/
  3. Why do women / girls freak out when we post a pic of their on some social networking site? What about those pranksters who click their pics on the street or in the malls or on the beach? There are perverts out there,y'know. :-/
  4. Why does the rest of India always associate Kerala with only lungis and coconut trees? Insecurity,perhaps? :-/
  5. Why do people spend a fortune on branded watches that need a microscope attached to it to be able to see the name on the dial? :-/
  6. When you're active on places like Facebook and Twitter, people ask you 'you're here all the time...24/7...don't you have a life outside of Facebook?'....and when you stay away,it'll be like 'heyyyyy!where are you?Do login to Facebook at least sometimes,no!'....What do people want? :-/
  7. Why do relationships need a social network approval stamp on them to be...umm....considered real? Pre-requisite procedures would be a 'relationship status update'+ comments + hundreds of pics together....any relationship that does not follow these steps is considered non-existent (honey,is everything okay with you and him?....Yeah it is,why?....You haven't posted a single pic of u guys together on Facebook,that's why I asked.....Actually,I'd like to keep my private life as 'private'.Duh!) :-/
  8. Why is anybody who disagrees with Points # 3,6 and 7 considered a social misfit? 'There's something wrong with her...maybe she's having work/health/relationship problems...hmm...' :-/
  9. Why do we HAVE to like something that everybody likes (read 'Kolaveri Di' and Sunny Leone and Nargis Fakhri and The Anna Hazare campaign) and dislike something that everybody dislikes (Justin Beiber...?)? Is individuality of no importance now? :-/
  10. Why do people have this incessant need to 'belong'? They always need to belong somewhere....to the latest fashion,the latest ideas, the latest technology....people seem to be scared of being different. Sad. :-/


  1. If 'this' is the real world, then I'll be the first one to shift elsewhere! x-(

  2. Now this is my Point of View, point wise :
    1. Envy, nothing else!!
    2. Case-01 : you’re not able to carry it with make-up (may be it doesn’t suite you or over done), case-2 ; come on, it’s common sense, "GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE 
    3. One should value one’s choice of being anonymous, in modern term it’s called individual privacy.
    4. Incorrect, “rest of India” (in India, especially North India)) does not relate Kerala with that; for that matter, lungi is wore all around the country, rather Kerala is termed as “place with highest literacy” and also for their nurses found even in remotest of India. Perhaps ME has this notion for Kerala, at times, for obvious reasons.
    5. It’s “fortune” for us, ordinary people, not for those richies. And, when ordinaires try to copy ‘em they’re fools.
    6. Take it as ‘starter’
    7. Ahh, no comment, I’m not FB…so cool!!
    8. Nonsense, there’re people, shallow, and they perceive from their point of view, shallower offcourse 
    9. Incorrect, Nobody cares (actually) who likes what, for detail refer # 8. I failed to know why people like K-D, like Nargis-she’s b’full; S-Lione-not worth commenting even, Anna-yes, Justin-who…lol
    10. that’s called “identity crisis”, a social catastrophe we all are suffering after we left our small villages/social groups/mohallas/neighborhood etc

