The other day, I shed a few precious tears (for reasons I don't want to disclose here anyway ;) ). And let's say I had, what I'd like to call, an 'Isaac Newton' moment :D Meaning to say that the entire deed set me thinking...why did I cry now? (Okay,the first answer i got was the obvious reason as to WHY i cried...talking about the next level of the thought process here) I mean,what set off those tiny glands?Why tears when I could have had any other emotion? I could have talked it out with someone or written about it or gotten angry or whatever! But I cried. Why? Just a little deeper thought and I had my answer ready.
Imagine (or rather look back at) the day when you achieved something you had really worked hard for...something you had put your heart and soul into. It could be anything - a school prize, an acknowledgement, a grade, even a 'yes' from someone you love! Or think of a time when grief engulfed you in its murky much so that no amount of consolation can soothe you - the loss of a loved one,an unfair accusation, getting second place by too small a margin. These are times when emotions are capable of overwhelming the sense that it fills your heart and soul to the brim. You just can't take it any more. Words seem to fail you. You feel like you would rip at the seams! That's when you cry.
Crying is probably one of the best ways to let out the emotions brimming and sloshing inside you. At that moment your heart is akin to an irresponsibly filled little nudge and everything spills over! It's not always the prettiest of emotions to behold. But I am sure that many would agree with me that a good long cry does wonders to your mood, although your circumstance may or may not have changed at all. I have seen people getting hysterical and crying on TV when they see their favourite celebrity at a show (usually for Michael Jackson's shows). Why do they do that? It's just an expression of so much adulation for that icon whom they have come to idolise and worship. It is not at all a planned thing. Just an automatic body mechanism. The heart can contain a lot of things...emotions,sentiments,love,hatred,anger,jealousy,envy...but there a limit as to how much of the same thing it can handle at a time.
Then there is the famed 'tears of joy'. Oh!That's something that happens to almost everyone (it's yet to happen to me...I'm still waiting *wink*wink*). We see people getting so elated at something and then they just break down crying with that smile still on! Mothers are the best example for this. We've all seen our mothers break into tears of joy at something. For them, each thing we do is special :)
I don't know if many people do it but I cry when I'm angry. And I'm talking extreme anger here. An optional emotion would be...ahem...murder :D At such times, you really don't get the right words to express yourself. You know you have been wronged...and you sooo want to wring the neck of the @#$%&*%$# who dared to hurt you...or you know that all the allegations against you are false but nobody would believe you...or you're just plain hopping mad! In short, you're in a situation where you're alone,angry,helpless and frustrated.Just cry!Or wail....bawl....scream from the something!But let the briny flood flow out of your eyes.
They say that holding back tears is such a wrong thing to do. Like famous British psychiatrist Henry Maudsley once said 'The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep'. is so true. Tears that are contained/withheld can harm you. Your mindset, your mood, your very persona....everything is affected. I, for one, get a splitting headache :-/ It's popularly considered 'feminine' to cry. Which is so wrong!Men ought to cry. Just for the reason that they are brawny and muscular, that does not mean that their hearts are made of stone! Men are emotionally weaker than women. The apt way to vent out your feelings would be to just cry in your privacy. There is absolutely no need to advertise your emotions, of course, keeping the rather critical society in picture. But let them's wrong to hold back tears that wish to be freed.
Remember......Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it.(Albert Smith)
Cheers! :)