26 Dec 2011

Being human...

Hello all! Belated Merry Christmas to all! :) Been a while,eh? I know,I know...I'm not going to come up with any more fancy excuses. I was genuinely busy with work. Got entrusted with a load of new responsibilities recently. To say the least....I'm lovin' it :D
The thought process has been working overtime though. Need to keep the mind busy if I don't want myself to get irritated with routine stuff. I was just looking around for a while...at people...at how they change...at why they change.
It's funny how a single incident, however small it may be, can change your idea or opinion about somebody. I mean...it could be somebody you would have held in high esteem. They do one mistake and they just tumble down in your view. So what happens to all the good things that they did? Was your opinion about them false? Do you have no sense of judgement? They are only human...they can make mistakes. The catch is...you are as human as they are.

It's like everything else just disappears into thin air when that person behaves in a way you least expected. It shocks you....takes you by surprise....makes you feel cheated or just plain stupid. Whatever your feeling, you just don't like it. And this dislike for yourself and your feelings translates into dislike for the other person. It happened to me...not once; but many times. It was like somebody just turned off the light in a room. So sudden. It is amazing. And then try as they might, they never regain the earlier stature bestowed upon them by us. It's like we have this thing at the back of our minds that 'he/she let me down once, he/she CAN do it again'. So we're wary of them.
Things are never the same again. But on the long run, maybe it's all for our good. These are just opportunities to get to know people. Chances that God throws in front of us to show us how people are in reality.

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